Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb 24th: Last day in Rishikesh

This morning we booked our car and driver to Dharamsala and McLeod Ganj for the morning of the 25th. We will leave early as the drive is expected to take all day (12 hours as I remember from my trip in 2001). We also had to change hotels because the one we were at was all booked (we hadn’t made reservations for our full stay). Our new hotel was not quite as nice but what it lacked in amenities was made up for by the view of the river (which we had not had before – see the sunset picture below for our view from the room’s balcony).

The rest of our day was spent getting a few more gifts, etc. in the markets of Lakshman Jhula. We enjoyed some peace and quiet on the banks of the river and had a simple dinner at sunset. (I scrambled to run back to our room and get my camera for a photo but most of the color had already faded.) We packed and headed to bed early for the start of the next leg in the morning before most of the restaurants would be open for breakfast. 

Pedestrians, cars, jeeps, cows, and motorcycles all share
 the skinny market streets

Emily tries to resist the high-pressure sales tactics of this
seemingly harmless Indian women
On the banks of the Ganges - The foot bridge at
 Lakshman Jhula can be seen in the distance

Apartments along the river next to a very old tree
Our view at sunset

This little fellow was in our bathroom warming himself
by the water heater (he says "Geico sucks")

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