Friday, February 25, 2011

Feb. 25th: Ughhhh

And googlemaps says it should only take 7.5 hours (ha!)
note the location of New Delhi to the South

The beginning of the car trip - in the valley
Well, that sucked. We got on the road to Dharamsala a little after 8 am and then spent the next 15 hours in a car (with about 20 minutes of breaks). India is a wonderful and beautiful country, but road maintenance is not one of its strong suits. We traveled about 475 km, but at an average speed of 35 km/hr, or 24 mph. Fortunately, we’re flying back to New Delhi.
Dharamsala is located even higher up in the Himalayas, and is the home of the Dalai Lama and location of Tibet’s government-in-exile. So, over the course of the drive we went slowly up the Himalayan foothills, through gorgeous countryside and along incredibly steep gorges. We finally arrived in the hilltop enclave of McLeod Ganj above Dharamsala just before midnight. The hotel’s concierge had stayed awake for us and had a heater running in our cozy room where we fell asleep almost immediately.

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