Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7th: Just another wonderful day

Being Monday, Will was scheduled to teach morning classes at the International School, so it was back to work for him. Our morning was as usual at the hotel (chai, singing and the incredible view with the birds about doing their morning thing), and for breakfast, we wandered over to Maura’s place for toast, tea and eggs.
An adolescent gaur eats on the lawn
  The day before, we had all been walking through town and, passing by the local internet cafĂ©, I stopped in for a bottle of water. Long story short, I purchased a used wireless router for them, which had been collecting dust on a shelf in the corner, in order to set up WiFi for Will and Maura at their house. After an hour or so of tinkering back at their place, I managed to get the wireless network up and running using the purchased router – everything was working great and Maura and Will couldn’t have been more pleased!
Will and Maura with us at lunch

  Today, Will received a phone call from the school confirming that we had purchased and set up a router on their network, which was wired into their home. It turns out that in doing so, I crashed the ENTIRE campus-wide network (not just the classrooms, but several square miles of compounds, dorms and other facilities)! Although it was easily fixed, Will would have to bring the router to the IT guy at school for them to use it again. (I felt terrible about the whole thing, but I was assured that the network was not the most robust system ever designed and that this had happened before – apparently our little off-brand router had reassigned IP addresses across the entire network!)
A child and his puppy greeted us on our walk

Maura, Emily and Idli on the lake

Will assed out with the extended family
                                                                                  We had lunch with Will between his classes and I ran some errands while Maura and Emily took the long way back home. We spent the afternoon enjoying each other’s company and watching the baby. After Will returned from work, we took Idli for a walk by the lake while he and Muirenn napped at home.
    We went to dinner and returned to the house where Will and I had a cocktail. 
Muirenn asleep on Will
Emily's tattoo in the sky
Sunset over the lake with the moon

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