Thursday, March 10, 2011

March 9th: Our Lady of Indian Christian Pop and the drive to Madurai

Family Photo
We packed our things for a 10:00 am checkout and headed over to see Maura one last time before we caught a ride back to Madurai for a flight the next morning. Will showed up in between classes to say goodbye, after which the three of us took a short walk up the hill to see Catholic church (Indian style) dedicated to Mary. (We had walked by it on our way to Dolphin’s Nose a few days before, but were scared off by the blaring Indian pop music – no doubt Christian – echoing through the neighborhood from giant loud speakers atop the church, see picture below.) The place was much more serene without the music that morning (no cameras allowed inside) - we lit some candles for souls passed on.
Idli shamelessly endorses Kodaikanal International School

Catholicism in India
Anyone know what this is? (in the lily family?)
We said goodbye to Maura when the car showed up after lunch, and promised to return. Our driver was much better this time than on the way up. The drive from Madurai to Kodaikanal that took us four and a half hours (distance of ~120 km) last Friday, took three and half hours this time (we suspected that our first driver was erring on the side of comfort over speed). Once in Madurai, we booked a nice room for the night (we needed some western amenities, and when it’s so cheap, why not?).
Descending into the plains - these plantations contain mango, coconut, and banana trees

A banyan tree marks the side of the road with a young banana tree in the distance 
We had dinner at the hotel and booked a taxi to the airport for a 10:00 am flight to Delhi via Chennai.          
A tamarind tree (taller) with a grove of coconut trees (right)
Sunset as we roll into Madurai
Finally, internet in our room (at least in theory) - and the shower was wonderful!

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